Wine is a tricky, tricky thing. There’s red, there’s white, rose… Dessert wines, dessert reds, dry whites, sweet merlots?
And everyone has so many varying opinions…
“Moscato is in!”
“Moscato is gross!”
It’s enough to make your head spin–even if you aren’t drinking it.
So where is the best place to get your wine updates? Who can you turn to?
If you’re like me, or anyone I know, you’re in the market for some knowledgable and flexible wine tasters/lovers… People who love wine just for being delicious and fun, and aren’t afraid of trying something new or taking a little bit of a risk.
Well after years of following many people, I figure now’s a good time to give back to the wine community with…
15 Must-Follow Wine Effiandos!
So, first off, what makes a wine expert?
It’s important to recognize that some people have spent a significant amount of time around wine–whether it be through work or through just having fun. People’s zeal for wine brings out the curious.
Whether someone becomes a wine expert through years of tasting, or spends a rigorous amount of time studying and earning certifications, let’s celebrate and learn from all of these different but crazy passionate win bloggers and vloggers!
And no matter if you’re looking to build your base knowledge, add onto what you already know, or learn how to pair which wines with which foods, we’ve got you covered! So let’s get to it!
The Dr. Vino blog advertises itself and its articles as a “wine talk that goes down easy,” and that’s a pretty apt description. The wine blog scene tends to be stuffed with overly complicated language or straight up snobbery–but Dr. Vino bypasses all of that with down to earth, humorous reviews. Bonus? The website has a specially designed “Wine Map,” that tells you where to you’ll find great bottles in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Paris.
A fantastic little blog curated for the wine fans who are looking to not break the bank when it comes to finding good tastes. The writers have a keen understanding that not all good wine needs to be expensive. Every article helps connect readers with good, cheap wines that satisfy every palette.
Unfamiliar with the New Zealand wine scene? You should consider reading up on wine expert and journalist Rebecca Gibb–because New Zealand wines are quickly becoming the most sought after–especially those crisp Sauv Blancs!
Winebird, aka: Helena Nicklin
Esteemed wine journalist and wine vlogger, Helen Nicklin, is worth both the watch and read, and then some! The best thing about her? She is a wine communicator–her goal is to make wine fun and accessible for everyone! Having a hard time with some of the stuffy wine blogs? Watch one of Helena’s videos.
The Good Wine Guru, aka: George Perry
Content strategist by profession, freelance writer and wine lover by calling, George Perry reviews wine, beer, and spirits. His specialties lie in Pinot Noir and Chiantis for all those who lean more towards the reds over the whites.
RJ on Wine, aka: RJ
Another wine lover with an alter ego–RJ is a human resources admin by day, but a wine writer and critic online. His pieces are lengthy and chock full of authoritative wine knowledge. He’s been featured in publications such as the Huffington Post and was included in’s Top 100 Most Influential People in the U.S. Wine Industry, twice.
The online magazine comprised of a compilation of several different wine experts. Covering everything from an everyday glass of wine to vineyards all over the world, this is a great online stop for anyone with a good handle on their wine IQ and want to broaden their horizons.
Looking for a great online vendor but finding it hard to put your trust and your wine taste in someone else’s hands? Look no further! These independent online wine retailers sell premium wines and have everything from a beginners guide to detailed wine reviews.
Wine. all the time aka: Marissa A. Ross
Funny, relatable, and down to earth, Marissa has it all. With a well laid out blog that is easy on the eyes and high-resolution pictures, this website is a feast for anyone who wants pretty aesthetics from their wine blogs. With hilarious articles and videos, there is so much to keep you entertained and updated. Fun fact: Marissa goes by The Ross Test for her wine, where you literally chug the wine out of a bottle. Not bad!
Wit, Wine, and Wisdom, by The Society of Wine Educators
The Society of Wine Educators was founded in 1974 and is a time tested and passionate organization. A dedicated non-profit and educational organization, their goal is to promote the professional education and development of the wine and spirits industry as a whole. With webinars, online exam prep, and comprehensive study guides, this blog is great for anyone looking to take their wine knowledge to the max!
Travelling Corkscrew, aka: Casey
Hear wine lover’s Caey’s experience all the way down under from Perth, Australia. She’s pretty much on the edge of the wine scene in Western Australia and is using her passion for writing to help people find great wines. Fun fact: she lived in Dubai for 4 years where she worked in a fine wine store and completed her intermediate Wine and Spirit education!
Having worked with and enjoyed wine for over 15 years, Matt is here to satiate everyone’s’ wine curiosities. Great for anyone looking to learn more about wine’s properties and flavor profiles, or just plain old brush up on their vocabulary to impress your friends at your next party.
Mom Juice, aka: Ashley Perry
This fun mom is a triple threat–a Sonoma County resident, a Sonoma State alumni, and a talented Sommelier. Her wine, shopping, and lifestyle recommendations are stylish with a capital “S!” and her Instagram is more than worth the follow.
A Glass After Work, aka: Alleigh
This comprehensive blog is the one-stop-shop for anyone looking for wine recommendations detailed out by price–and Alleigh does a great job with over 5 different price values for your to peruse. She also recommends wine by type, and doesn’t limit herself…she also blogs about beer too!
Ever wanted to mix leet with your wine education? Look no further! With (mostly) regular video lessons, reviews, skype tastings, and sommelier interviews, this blog is a great way to beef up your vino knowledge!
Well, that’s my list of sommeliers. If I missed any that you think I should have covered, please leave their names in the comments below!
Also, remember to visit us on our homepage if you’re interested in learning more about our wine aerators.
Thank you so much! I did a blog post linking right back to your page! I LOVE the love! Thank you!
You’re awesome Ashley! Keep up the good work!
I am honored to be in such a great list. Thank you!
Thank you for being a great sommelier!