Wine is a mysterious thing. There is no other beverage on the planet that elicits so much self-doubt and need for knowledge than wine.
Think about it: when was the last time you were around tea snobs? Or had to pass a college like course to be an expert in water, or when you felt overwhelmed while trying to order coffee, well with the snobi-ness of Starbucks and other major coffee retailers, I can understand how maybe that last one isn’t true. However, the point still remains. People feel intimidated and overmatched when it comes to wine and there really isn’t a reason for them to be so.
What is a Wine Aerator?
A wine aerator works by introducing a larger amount of oxidation to the wine than would be normally achieved by allowing your wine to breathe on its own. While any devices exist, the vast majority do not meet the Sommelier standards for aerating wine. The key to a good wine aerator: You must be able to see the bubbles as soon as the wine hits the glass, which shows you that the proper amount of oxygen was introduced. You also want to look for a wine aerator pourer which dispenses the wine as it is being oxidized. Finally, the best wine aerators do not use costly CO2 refills, which can drive up the price significantly.
You’ll more than earn your money back after three bottles. Using a high quality wine aerator can make a wine taste twice as expensive, turning that $10 bottle into a $20 bottle almost instantly. You’ll get twice the flavor for exactly the same price. Be warned though, that it may be difficult to go back to un-aerated wine after.
Do you aerate white wine?
The simple answer is yes and no. While some big and bold whites, like a Sonoma Chardonnay, with its deep buttery oaky flavors would love to be opened up and have those woodsy aromas tickle the hairs in your nose, a Portuguese Vinho Verde would not benefit at all from aeration.
So, before enjoying your next glass of Burgundian Pinot Noir, or your spicy Zinfandel from Lodi, be sure to get some oxygen in your glass along with the wine. You won’t regret it. If you’re looking for the right wine aerator check us out on Amazon!