
Top 10 wine gifts of 2017

Aerator & Dispenser

A little pricey, sure, but your wine will stay fresh all night long, and it will taste better since it’ll be all aerated and oxidized. Get ready to fully impress your friendly Wine Crowd
Every wine has a body and life of its own. The bottleneck for any wine lover is waiting after opening the bottle. Technology solves that problem! Waerator® is a wine aerating tool that works instantly, making wine taste fuller and richer at the pour.

Why We Aerate Wine

When you open a new bottle of wine, you encounter a bitter, astringent taste that dries out your mouth. That’s the tannins in your wine. They occur naturally in the skin and stems of the grapes. Age softens tannins, but so can aeration—especially in younger wines. Waerator eliminates the tannic effect that overwhelms the other flavors and aromas in your wine!

When you know and appreciate wine, having the Waerator is a must.

Waerator’s suite of features and benefits include:

Maximizes and enhances the fullness and flavor of your wine.
Is Certified Food Safe
Connects directly to the bottle; nothing to pour though to make a mess.
Works instantly, reducing the aerator typical wait time by 30 to 40 minutes.
Locks for safety to prevent mishaps or even possible injury. If you are a kitchen Klutz, you want this.
Easy to clean, just wipe down with a damp cloth. It’s ready for the next bottle or your next event.
Wine dispenser fills without pouring. Never tip the bottle! Wine rolls right into the glass.
Is electric, taking only six tiny AAA batteries to run.

Wareator® makes the wine experience far more enjoyable.

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